Biogee, a tool to optimise your biogas installation and increase revenues while decreasing CO2 emissions

We bring demand side response in practice.

What does it do?​

Your biogas installation is state of the art, it is built to be future proof and as durable as possible. What if we tell you that we can make it even better?

Biogee is an optimization and dispatch tool created by ENTRAS for various biogas installations, including those generating biogas from manure, food waste, energy crops, sewage sludge, or landfilling. It considers different ways to utilize biogas, such as converting it into biomethane for injection into the gas grid, generating heat and power in a CHP, or converting it to CNG for vehicles.

Using smart algorithms, Biogee combines process models, technical, operational, and economic parameters to optimize operations, considering factors like market conditions, buffer capacity, contracts, and subsidies. It integrates with existing DCS systems, communicating with energy markets to adjust setpoints for optimal operation within safety limits. Implemented in the cloud, Biogee doesn’t require additional hardware and provides a web interface dashboard for monitoring and maximizing profits.

biogee screenshot

By monitoring electricity and gas markets and adjusting injection timings, it maximizes revenue potential. Biogee operates continuously and automatically, tailored to each installation to enhance day-to-day operations and increase revenues.

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