
“Flexing the future” Podcast

EP 1 – Jan Van Roost | Future grid EU within the energy transition


As CEO at Coreso, one of the European Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) responsible for the coordinated security of the European electricity system, the integration of large-scale renewable energy generation and the development of the European electricity market, Jan Van Roost, is perfectly positioned to shed light on the process of energy transition.

He has been on the frontline of many evolutions in the power markets: liberalization, the transition from centralized to decentralized and renewable energy and now from gas to electricity. Today he calls for a global masterplan to successfully lead our industries to where they need to be heading.

Interested to find out what Jan Van Roost has to say about the most important trends in the energy system and market? And what role he wants to play in these with Coreso?

You can find out all about in this episode of Flexing the Future, the Entras podcast about the energy transition and the role of flexibility in it.

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